Friday, October 10, 2008

That's my boy!

That's Collin making the tackle! You go boy!

Football Season 2008 (and nothing broken!)

I've got to tell about Collin's, so far, successful football season. Yes, he's playing again and he's even on the same team again. THE BRONCOS!!!! He is loving it and learning a lot. Dad is so proud and loves to go to the games. Kirk must make sure that he is there early enough to be one of the lucky chosen to hold the poles for marking the first down. Get's him closer to the action he says! Anyway, it's pretty fun to watch and we even love it more that we haven't had to make one trip to the hospital! Go Broncos!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

First Day of School

I know, I know. I'm so slacking and the first day of school was about a hundred days ago. (well maybe not that many.) But I've also been as school working in various classrooms and therefore, staying too busy with not much time to blog. I really want to get on top of this though. So I'll continue trying.